Published 2022-05-31
- Astable Multivibrator, IC 555 Timer, Rain, Humidity, NPN Transistor, Buzzer, Battery, Sensor.
Everyone wants to stay educated and productive in a world when everything is automated. Water harvesting may also be simply accomplished with the help of automation. In this article, we'll talk about the Rain Alarm project, which is quite important for rainwater gathering. The circuit detects rain by sounding an alert while you are inside the house, allowing us to take appropriate action.This project is a portable rain water detecting alarm designed to protect goods from rain while also conserving water. It uses a rain sensor and a versatile multifunctional IC 555 Timer Chip to detect rain water in rainy conditions. LED, 9V battery, rain sensor, buzzer, 1N4007 PN junction diode, NPN transistor, and other components make up the rain water detection alarm. When the rain starts falling, the rain sensor detects it and the buzzer starts blaring and the LED lights up, and it will automatically reset when the rain stops The ultimate purpose of this project is to use a rain sensor to detect rain falling, and this concept can be used in the home, irrigation field, and cottage industries.