Published 2019-04-09
Potential of Hydrogen (pH) level is one of the main characteristics of any chemical solution. It plays a significant role in chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, agriculture, fish farming, and industries. Lately, Internet of Things (IoT) appears as a new era of research and applications. IoT is designed to connect both digital and physical objects using communication technology. The main objective is to build a tool that allows real-time control of the pH level of a specific solution or product using the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. Specifically, it is made of an Arduino that is connected to both a designed mobile app and a physical device using the internet.It allow the user to choose either automatic (auto) or manual (manual) control modes. In the former, the system will behave as a feedback control scheme where the user will be requested to specify the desired pH value and the specific period needed to keep the experiment running. In the later (manual), the user should set the amounts of acidic and alkaline solutions in each pumping process. The hardware and software descriptions set out here will be realized as a prototype system.